“I am sure there would be many more ‘firsts to happen’ in years to come. This one perhaps is just a trivial item from that list, but somehow the response that a single picture I posted on my Facebook profile was encouraging enough to write an account of how this happened”. |
It was Sunday morning on January 30, 2011 when I decided that I need to give my bike a quick shower. I was riding my Pulsar 220 that day (the other one happens to be a Thunderbird 350) and once done ‘watering’ it, I randomly hit the ignition button.
No sooner the engine came alive, Riddhie, who happened to be with her grandma in the verandah gave a call of delight. I stepped up the engine a bit and she gave her toothless grin again. I was amused at the sight of the new biker in the family and picked her up and brought her to the fuel tank of the bike.
The engine was still on and Riddhie was delighted at the feel of the vibration on the tank. I revved up the engine a bit and she squealed in joy all over again. Her mom meanwhile brought out the camera and we managed to squeeze in a few shots.
She was having a ball when I made the mistake of pressing the horn. The shrill cry of the horn scared Riddhie and she was crying aloud in no time.
Lesson learnt – the thump of the engine is better than the blare of the horn.
I am sure the years ahead shall see me post more pics of the three of us together – Riddhie, me and my bikes.
For now, here are the shots of Riddhie’s first encounter with the mean machines.
Click on the thumbnail –> for the source image.